Northern Alberta hamlet, urges housing development
The Métis community of Conklin, located in Northern Alberta, is grappling with a housing crisis, with at least three-quarters of its population lacking stable housing. Residents are facing significant challenges, with some living in trailers without essential amenities such as running water and electricity. The harsh winter conditions further exacerbate the situation, making it difficult for residents to endure the cold temperatures. The delays in the approval of construction permits have hindered efforts to address the housing shortage, leading to frustration among community members. While various initiatives have been proposed to alleviate the crisis, including support from Cenovus Energy and the Alberta government, the slow progress in obtaining permits has impeded the implementation of these plans.
The Conklin Resource Development Advisory Committee (CRDAC) and the Edmonton-based non-profit Rural Development Network have highlighted the pressing need for housing stability in the community. They have called for expedited permit approvals to enable the timely construction of housing units. The situation has prompted calls for action, with stakeholders urging the rural municipality to prioritize and support housing efforts in Conklin. The community’s plea for assistance underscores the critical need to address the housing crisis and provide residents with safe and secure living conditions.