Crypto Mortgages 101 Blockchain & Nft’s Explained

Mastermind for those who are curious about the future of Cryptocurrency, Mortgages, Documentation and Fintech.



Russell is a futurist and visionary, having graduated from Queen’s University in 1994, received a post-graduate degree in Information Technology in 1999 and an LLB from the University of Wolverhampton in 2008. He has been a blockchain and cryptocurrency evangelist since first discovering this ground-breaking and innovative space almost 8 years ago. As an angel investor and tech incubator, Russell has been focused on emerging markets for new tech ventures, and he is deeply immersed in the amazing NFT space.

“How Do We Tell If Something Is Fake Or Real In Today's World?”

“How Do We Tell If Something Is Fake Or Real In Today's World?”

We Keep A Record Of It!

We Keep A Record Of It!

Whenever you want to verify that a document is legit you just look it up with the relevant authority.

“Notaries - Attest And Record The Validity Of Documentation”

These Mechanisms Are All Centralized

These Mechanisms Are All Centralized

“There’s A Central Authority Whether It’s A Bank, Ministry Or Registry Office That Has The Power To Issue And Validate Information “

History Is Written By The Victors

History Is Written By The Victors

Encyclopedia Britannica employed 100 full time editors and over 4000 contributors to publish what we consider to be the authority on knowledge.

Imagine the power the editors of these books had a deciding what was worth mentioning condemning condoning or ignoring well the last volume of encyclopedia Britannica was published in 2010 today .

Information is much more decentralized with over 130000 active editors that maintain different wikipedia pages

“A Real Life Example Today Most Money Is Just A Record Of Who Owes What To Whom Due To The Subprime Crisis In 2008 Almost 1000 Companies In The US Received Over $630000000000 That Never Existed Before Other Companies Had Debts Completely Removed Well. “

Decentralization Reduces The Risk For Corruption Fraud And Manipulation

Decentralization Reduces The Risk For Corruption Fraud And Manipulation

Blockchain technology is an innovative solution to centralization to implement decentralization.

It’s a system for keeping records by everybody without any need for a central authority .

Aledger that is practically impossible to falsify.

In technological terms pages are called blocks.

Each block is linked to the data of the previous block making a chain of blocks or a blockchain.

2 Major Questions To Answer

2 Major Questions To Answer

How Does It Work?

Is Blockchain Technology Safe?

The easiest way to understand blockchain technology is to remember it as a series of blocks that store data.

Each of the blocks holds a unique hash number and a link that connects it to the previous block.

Every block is an important part of the sequence and it cannot be changed.

If there is any change, the hash sum would alter and the block would no longer be valid.

The Volatility Of The Market Is The Biggest Risk Factor, Not Technology

The Volatility Of The Market Is The Biggest Risk Factor, Not Technology



How do I create a system that allows the creation verification and updating of records by everybody?

There Are 4 Elements A Blockchain

Peer to peer network

A network of computers also known as nodes that are equally privileged it's open to anyone and everyone this is basically what we already have today with the internet this network we'll be able to communicate and share remotely.


The Art Of Secure Un-Altered Communication

All blockchain transactions are secured by cryptography. Each block contains essentially a unique and private key that can be verified with a public key. If there is a change in transaction-related data, the block unique key becomes invalid. As a result, the block is discarded from the chain.

What Makes The Bitcoin Blockchain Safe?

The cryptographic system makes transactions irreversible — in other words, a block once created on the chain cannot be modified.


All blockchain technology operates through a consensus model, which verifies that a transaction has taken place and legitimises it. Most consensus models run on protocols that include proof of work, proof of stake, proof of authority, etc.

Reward & Punishment

This element makes sure that it will be in people's best interests to always follow the rules. This reward is a token or coin that is awarded each time a consensus has been reached. The punishment and reward system works on psychological behavior it turns the rules of the system from something you need to follow into something you'll want to follow.
So Far We Set Up A Network That Has A Way To Communicate Securely And Follows A Set Of Rules For Reaching Consensus Now Will Include These Elements Together By Giving A Reward.

So Far We Set Up A Network That Has A Way To Communicate Securely And Follows A Set Of Rules For Reaching Consensus Now Will Include These Elements Together By Giving A Reward.

What’s An N. F. T.?

What’s An N. F. T.?





Digital assets publicly verifiable intellectual property authenticated on a blockchain.

“Possible Use Cases In The Mortgage Industry Include, ID, Mortgage Deed, Appraisal, “

Various Parties Rely On The Same Data.

Advantages Using Blockchain In The Housing Sector

Advantages Using Blockchain In The Housing Sector

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    Full Name

    Email Address

    Phone Number

    Working with an Agent?

    Household Income

    Credit Score

    Preferred Location

      How much unsecured debt do you have?

      Min $5000


      Are you behind on payments?


      How many creditors do you have?

      What types of debt do you have?


      What is your credit rating?


      What is your employment status?


      Are you a home owner?


      What is your property value?

      Min $5000

      What is your mortgage balance?


      Are you currently in a bankruptcy or consumer proposal?


      What is your postal code?

      What is your name?

      What is your email address?

      What is your phone number?

      Briefly describe your debt problem
