How Debt Consolidation Mortgages Can Help You Take Control of Your Finances in 2025
Debt can often feel like an overwhelming burden, especially when juggling multiple payments with varying interest rates and due dates. For many homeowners, a debt
TIPP is the Tax Installment Payment Plan that allows property owners to pay their Property Tax in 12 monthly installments, rather than a single annual payment.
Many of our lenders will also offer this service directly and include the tax portion as part of your monthly payment. Please note, the TIPPS program is not available in all provinces.
Payments are made on the first of each month by automatic withdrawal from a bank account.
A monthly payment is calculated by dividing your annual tax levy by 12. The program begins January 1st; however you may join at any time during the year. Your payment amount will be adjusted on June 1st to compensate for changes in taxes as a result of the annual tax levy in May. You will be notified of the total amount of installments paid to date and the new installment amount for the remainder of the year.
Not all cities offer the TIPP program, but those that do participate do not charge for this service if you start the program January 1. If you join after January 1 there is a 2% filing fee based on the missed installments. An initial payment of the missed installments plus the filing fee must be paid at the time of application.
If you are purchasing a home that is currently on TIPP, you may continue the program by contacting the TIPP Customer Service Centre. We are always happy to help you get set up so just ask!
Adjustments to your tax account may be made during the year due to a decrease or increase in your assessed value. You will be given 30 days notice unless other arrangements have been made. They work as follows:
The monthly installment will continue until your account is paid in full. The final installment will bring your account to a zero balance.
The monthly installment will automatically be adjusted for increases received prior to November. After November 1, increases are due and payable by the due date or you may contact the TIPP Customer Service Centre for alternate arrangements.
A supplementary tax bill is issued when a building or residence is completed or has had additional construction in the current tax year. If you receive a supplementary tax bill your TIPP payment will automatically be recalculated and your monthly installment adjusted to account for this bill.
If any payment is missed, The City has the option to cancel the agreement and request payment of the total outstanding taxes.
Debt can often feel like an overwhelming burden, especially when juggling multiple payments with varying interest rates and due dates. For many homeowners, a debt
As a homeowner, your property is not just a place to live—it’s also a valuable financial asset. One of the key benefits of owning a